January 28 - Comedy Book Reading

Meet debut comedy writer, Jilly Gagnon, AB '06

Jilly Gagnon, AB '06, and her co-author, Mike Macdonald, will be hosting an interactive reading from her debut comedy novel, Choose Your Own Misery: The Office Adventure, at the Yale Bookstore on Thursday, January 28th at 6:30pm.  Come for some laughs, refreshments and great giveaways...and to support our fellow Cantabrigian deep in Yale territory.  The event is free.

About the Author: Jilly is a comedy writer, young adult novelist and essayist.  In the past, her work has appeard in Newsweek, Elle, Vanity Fair and McSweeney's Internet Tendency, among others.  Since graduating from Harvard, she has been living in the Boston area, but she'll always be a Minnesotan at heart.  You can learn more about Jilly and the book at JillyGagnon.com.

About the book:  Chances are, you were once a kid with one finger wedged between the pages of a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book.  Now you're an adult: lonely, broke, unfulfilled and losing 40 hours of your life each week to a computer screen.  You've tried an endless parade of time-wasting websites and pop culture quizzes to dull the pain at work, but so far nothing has helped.

Now, from two comedy writers and former contributors to THE ONION comes a modern choose-your-own-adventure tale - the story of your own soul-crushing existence.  The choices range from playing career suicide chicken with your boss to Kafka-esque journeys into the workings of the office, but either way, you'll be choking back that manic, high-pitched laugh you've been developing over the past few years.


"IT'S WONDERFULL!!!.  Hell, the only reason for going to
work is to goof off reading this book!"

- E. Jean Carroll, author and advice columnist for Elle